New Parents Plus courses open to the public

Parents Plus partner with Parentline Parents Plus are delighted to be partnering with Parentline to deliver four online parenting courses to the public this April 2021. The four courses for parents are: Parents Plus Early Years (1-6 years) starts Mon 12th April, 8 – 10pm. Parents Plus Children’s (6-11 years) starts Tues 13th April, 7:30 – 9:30pm. Parents Plus Adolescents (12-16 years) starts Wed 14th April, 7:30 – 9:30pm. Parents Plus Parenting when Separated starts Thurs 15th April, 7:30 – 9:30pm. All the courses are run over six weeks by accredited Parents Plus facilitators to a small group of approximately 15 parents. Cost €120, and includes the parent course book. (Discounts are available for parents who may find it difficult to pay the full price- details at the link below.) Book your place For further details and to book your place on a course, visit Parentline at If you have an enquiry about these courses please email: You are welcome to share this information with your colleagues, families and services that you work with. |