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Are you the parent of a young person with additional support needs?

Are you the parent of a young person with additional support needs?

We invite you to join us on Zoom to explore our Parents Plus ‘Special Needs Programme’ and to find out why other parents recommend it for their families. 

At the Information Session, you’ll have the opportunity to meet parents who have already completed the programme and hear first-hand why they believe it will benefit you and your child. You’ll also meet Ciara Ni Raghallaigh from Parents Plus Charity to answer all your questions. This 7-week course will help your child to learn social skills and build friendships, deal with puberty and sexuality, gain confidence and self-esteem and become more independent.  As a parent, you’ll also receive valuable guidance on how to cope and manage stress, deal with the challenges of adolescence, support the needs of your other children and manage challenging behaviour.

Minister for Children, Disability, Equality, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman TD, Speaking at the launch of PPSN said of this first in the world programme –

“The Parents Plus Special Needs programme is a MOMENTOUS piece of work that will have real benefits for families with children with special needs. ParentsPlus have a strong track record and really impressive results delivering positive outcomes for families. As we come out of the pandemic, the support of the new Parents Plus Programme is needed now more than ever. This will make a real difference to family lives on a daily basis.”

To register click the button below. We look forward to welcoming you to our Information Session on Monday 20th February 2023 at 11 am.